You may be scratching your head right about now, wondering why you even need a robust password in the first place. Even though the majority of websites are secure, there is always the possibility that a third party may attempt to access or use the information you provide on such websites. Having a secure password is one of the most effective methods to prevent hackers from accessing your online accounts and other sensitive information. When generating a secure password, you need ensure that you abide by a set of criteria and principles. It is also suggested to use password managers to assist in remembering the constructed passwords so that the passwords may be used easily.

You are about to embark on a journey that will educate you on the significance of developing a robust password for each of your user accounts in this day and age.

Why Is It Necessary to Have Strong Passwords?

Many people choose to connect their websites to a name or phrase that is easy for them to recollect in order to develop phrases that are simple and easy to remember. On the other hand, this does not in any way make the password special; in fact, the opposite is true. 53% of people rely on their memories to remember their passwords and other sensitive information.


Image: HiveSystems and

The process of thoroughly brute-forcing a basic password may take as little as a few seconds and as much as a couple of minutes at most with today’s computing standards. More than sixty percent of individuals use the same password for both their personal accounts and their job applications, according to polls conducted all around the world. Although doing so may ensure that the user never again forgets their password, doing so also ensures that there is only one possible point of failure. If one of the accounts is compromised, then all of the others are just as likely to have been compromised as well.

Consider going over some of the suggestions to have a better understanding of how you may come up with secure passwords.

Guidelines on Creating a Strong Password

Now that you know what not to do and what to do instead when creating new passwords for your accounts, it’s time to move on.

To do

A bare minimum of 12 characters, with the proviso that the greater the number of permutations, the better.

 The use of both capitalized and lowercase characters together.

 An amalgamation of alphabetic and numeric components.

You are need to use at least one special character, such as [! @ #?]

Not to do

A word written in any language for which there is an equivalent entry in a dictionary (e.g., airplane).

A word from the dictionary in which certain letters have been replaced by numbers (e.g., a1rplan3).

A character or cast of characters who appear more than once in the story (e.g., BBBBB or 12345).

The individual keys that make up a keyboard (e.g., qwerty or zxcvb).

Information pertaining to yourself (e.g., birthdays, addresses).

Now that you are familiar with the process of developing secure passwords, you should investigate the rise in popularity of passphrases as an alternative to using plaintext passwords.

Using Passphrases Instead of Passwords

The passphrase “The morning coffee is delightfully refreshing” is an example of a passphrase, which is longer than a password and may contain spaces between the words. In addition to being able to include symbols, a passphrase is not have to be a complete sentence nor must it have correct grammar. The key difference between the two is that standard passwords do not have any spaces in them, but passphrases do have spaces and are thus lengthier than any random string of letter combinations.

The following are some of the benefits of using passphrases:

Rather than merely memorizing a random mix of symbols and characters, passphrases are much easier to recall. It would be far simpler for you to remember a phrase from one of your favourite songs or a quote rather than a brief password that is tough to remember.

Both people and machines have a good chance of correctly guessing or breaking a password if they try hard enough. Criminals operating online have also developed and manufactured cutting-edge hacking tools, which allow them to decipher even the most difficult passwords.

Easily adheres to the regulations for the creation of passwords. The complexity requirements for a password may be met by including both upper- and lower-case letters, as well as punctuation, in the password.

Passphrases are supported by the majority of operating systems and applications. On the most popular operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS, you are able to enter phrases with a maximum of 127 characters per. As a consequence of this, in order to get the highest level of security, you should make use of longer passcodes.

Because the majority of effective password cracking algorithms are designed to fail at about 10 characters, it is practically impossible to decipher a password. Because of this, even the most advanced hacking tool will not be able to guess, brute-force, or pre-compute the answers to these passwords.

However, the most common challenge that individuals have when trying to create a secure password is trying to remember the passwords or phrases that they use. A password manager may come in handy at this point for a variety of reasons.

How Can a Password Manager Help You Generate Secure Passwords?

Password managers are programs that generate new, robust passwords for you whenever you create new accounts or update your existing passwords. Additionally, these programs store all of your passwords in a single location, which is guarded by a single, robust master password. If you remember your master password, your password manager will remember everything else, including your username and password, and automatically fill them in anytime you use your computer or mobile device to sign in to a website or app. This applies to both your computer and your mobile device. The following password managers are some of the best ones to use, as seen in the picture below:


There are several advantages to utilizing password managers, including the following:

No Good Memory Needed: This means that anyone can use the most recent suggestions for strong passwords.

Easy Access:  Password managers allow users to type a single password and automatically populate each website with a username and password. Users only need to remember their single password.

 Not Just Passwords: Credit card information may also be kept in a safe manner using a number of different password managers. The use of multi-factor authentication or a second test, such as answering a question after the proper password has been entered, is a solution that is used by some others, and it is considered to be a simple and effective method for verifying valid login attempts.

You have now reached the conclusion of this tutorial on how to generate a secure password, which can now be considered closed.


You learned why it’s crucial to use complex passwords in this tutorial on making your own. You discussed best practices for developing new passwords, explored the advantages of passphrases over traditional passwords, and acknowledged the need of password managers in the modern world. However, managing passwords is just a portion of online data security.

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